
Thursday, August 11, 2011

Weekly Challenge: Opposites Attract

Diva's weekly challenge was offered again by stART's super talented CZT, Christina Vandervlist. This challenge sounds easy enough, simply use straight lines for the string and curvy tangles, or vice-versa.  I went with straight lines for the string since my usual habit is circular scribbly strings.  My usual habit must also be to mix up curvy and straight line tangles because I REALLY wanted to do that with these tiles. A great reminder of  many things we do by habit, routine, and instinct, and the effort required to change it up.

Sakura Metallic Gelly Roll Pens- Not visible online, but so shimmery, fun to work with.

Thanks Ladies, for a great challenge!


  1. Love the white on black! Very nice. The colors on your second tile are so delicate/muted.

  2. Nice! I really like the white on black one!
